Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Homework on Textbook Sections 1.1 to 1.4, 1.6 to 1.9, 2.1 to 2.8

Q1: HTC’s VIVE VR headset, comprising two displays for stereo video, has the following specifications:

  •     Resolution: 1080 × 1200 per eye
  •     Refresh Rate: 90Hz
Assuming 24bit/pixel video, what data rate in Gbps (Gigabits/sec) is required on the HDMI cable for the device?

Solution: 5.5987

Q2: A processor, which has a clock frequency of 1.3GHz, take 10s to run a program of 6×10^9 instructions. What is the average number of cycles per instruction? 

Solution: 2.167

Q3: Suppose, for the program in Question 2, the instructions are composed as follows:

Instruction class
Instruction count
We are trying to redesign the processor to increase performance by a factor of 1.25, but this would lead to an increase in the CPI for load/store instructions from 6 to 8. What clock frequency in GHz would be needed for the redesigned processor?
Solution: 1.875

Q4: Instead of trying to increase the performance of the single processor, we can consider using multiple processor cores in a computer. Suppose, for the program in Question 2, parallelizing the program to use p processor cores divides the number of arithmetic/logic instructions by 0.7p, the number of load/store instructions by 0.8p, and the number of branches by 0.9p. What is the minimum number of processor cores required to improve performance by a factor of 3? 
 Solution: 4

Q5: What is the actual speedup achieved with the number of processor cores you identified in Question 4? 
 Solution: 3.14

Q6: What RISC-V instruction is encoded by the hex word 0x0051E933? 
Solution: or x18, x3, x5

Q7: What hex word encodes the RISC-V instruction ld x9, -24(x10)? 
Solution: 0xFE853483

Q8: If x9 initially contains the value 0xC445028461001003, what value (in hex) is placed in x18 by the following instruction?

srai x18, x9, 6?

Solution: 0xFF11140A11840040

Q9: Which of the following RISC-V instruction sequences extracts the 6-bit field from bits 4 to 9 of x10 and places it in the least-significant 6 bits of x7? 
 Solution: andi x7, x10, 0x3F0
srli x7, x7, 4
Q10: Write RISC-V instructions for the following C statements, assuming a is in x9 and b is in x18:

if (a == b)
  a = a + 1;
  a = a - 1;

Solution: bne x9, x18, L1
addi x9, x9, 1
beq x0, x0, L2
L1: addi x9, x9, -1

Q11: What C statements are encoded by the following, assuming x10 contains the signed int variable m?

      addi x5, x0, 20
      bgeu x10, x5, skip
      jal  x1, my_func

Solution: if (m >= 0 && m < 20) my_func(m);

Q12: Write RISC-V instructions for the following leaf function:

int min(int a, b) {
  return a < b ? a : b;

Solution: min: bge x10, x11, L1
           add x10, x0, x10
           jalr x0, 0(x1)
L1: add x10, x0, x11
        jalr x0, 0(x1)

Q13: Write RISC-V instructions for the following recursive function, without eliminating the recursion (i.e., without replacing it by a loop):

int sum(int n) {
  if (n == 0)
    return 0;
    return n + sum(n – 1);

Solution: sum: addi sp, sp, -16
            sd x1, 8(sp)
            sd x8, 0(sp)
            beq x10, x0, ret
            add x8, x0, x10
            addi x10, x10, -1
             jal x1, sum
             add x10, x8, x10
ret: ld x8, 0(sp)
         ld x1, 8(sp)
         addi sp, sp, 16
         jalr x0, 0(x1)

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